Last night I collapsed into bed, one very tired Mary.
Unfortunately, I ate too much before bed and watched S.W.A.T. on tv, which then produced a most vivid dream including the rest of the Mary's and led to me oversleeping and being very late to work this morning.
Yes - there we were, the Marys and me. We were being fitted out in hi-tech swim togs for a secret S.W.A.T. mission! We had arrived by black van to an undisclosed location and led into a fitting room where we proceeded to get these rubbery full length body suits for our scuba diving adventure ( shades of support hose deja vu in there somewhere).
Mary Raihn chucked a spack cause her cossy didn't fit and walked off totally pissed mumbling, "I've had a gutful!". My cossy consisted of a long shirt thingy that went all the way to the ankles with no pants, but I thought that I could tie it up somehow and make it work without drowning and Mary Ancell's fitted perfectly ( bitch Mary!).
I then left Mary Anchell looking quite chuffed that her bum did not look too big in her rubber suit and ran after Mary Raihn yelling that all would be well..we had a mission to complete!!!!!We were S.W.A.T Marys!
Oh yes!!!!Then I woke up and realised that I should have been on the road and at work right about then, so I ran out the door and having made good time and set up before the hordes of plebs arrived to part with their hard earned dracma, got totally abused by a 70 year old stupid fart of a woman for having "stolen her chairs" and where was she going to sit now after she got her medication from the Chemist???!!!
I suggested she start a petition to "get rid of the calendar lady who has stolen our chairs and where are we going to meet with the rest of our stupid, old, sensless pensioner friends to whinge the rest of the day away?" She told me to have a nice day.
I told her to......
have a nice day too!
I would be a great SWAT chick- but I am glad you ran after me anyway- nasty old ladies looking for a perch- nasty old mary trying to make a living floggin calenders & records..........
Beautiful bumless anchell mary didnt come after you mary because she KNEWYOUWOULDCOMEBACK because the wetsuits were PERCALE and on sale for $20!!!!
I was eye-witness to nasty cranky old farts hanging onto wall outside chemist glaring at poor calender mary...I did consider frisking some in case they had lifted a record or two......but they were very scary being on medication for hairy bumcracks.........
what would I do without you Marys???!!!
At least you gave these oldies something to whinge about - the highlight of their week no doubt!
Faerie Mary xOx
never fear master mary- the old & senile wont stand a chance against my whinging & moaning.........bring it on....
Looking forward to more adventure of Calendar Club's Mary Angels..abseiling down from the escalators, rolling over the bonnets of cars.....
Apparently we always should respect rude pensioner people because they are old ! I always thought respect was earned, age irrespective x
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