My darling husband is having a biopsy done today - part of ongoing testing to check a prostate irregularity.
Now, I know it could all be very uncomplicated and simple, but I am also fearful of what we don't know and every time a test is done it seems that we have to wait an enormously painful length of time to find out a result.
I am stressed and jumpy and it's not even happening to me!
The test is a horribly invasive proceedure for a man (us women are used to being poked, scraped, stretched and viewed from totally perverse angles) and I wish he did not have to go through it - but better that he does.
The prostate is one of those ridiculous parts of the body that has such a great significance to a man's health yet they often refuse to address the importance of it until it is too late.
If you have a man you care about and he is over 40, get him to do a simple blood test next time he is having a medical check up and maybe even the "dreaded gloved finger up the sphinxter" just to be sure nothing sinister is not developing.
Sometimes there are sympotms, but sometimes, such as in my husband's case, there aren't and if he had not gone to his local JP and if she had not ordered a simple blood test for him, we would have never known anything was wrong.
I need my darling around for a long time to come - he is my I know all will be well. I just wish that this all passes quickly.
Sending you much love....
Thinking of you all
Good luck, love and light to you both...
all will be well......we need him active for beltaine.....
what do you do to him on beltane???
Thinking of you and sending light and love.
All will be well......C ;)xo
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