Today is International Angel Day and I was part of a Fair held here in Newcastle to celebrate this event.
It had poured all night long with rain and it did not stop for most of the day, let's say it was quite slow....
But on the other hand I spent the day with my wonderful friends and got back in touch with some people that I had not seen for a while.
Thanks to all that supported us on this day. Even though we did not organise this event, I kind of felt that if the people who support "Rose Cottage" had not turned up during the would have been a disaster!
Again - thank you!
I sold some Goji and Lisa did a few readings, as did Shann ( congrats on your efforts today!)
Lisa fed me with fab food from the Honeysuckle Markets next door (forever grateful) and we spent some time with Michelle, our spiritual artist extraordinaire, convincing her that an exhibition of her artwork is a "MUST DO" for next year.
The Cottage made some valuable connections , especialy with a woman from Sydney who would like to run a programme for teaching parents and carers about the special needs of children in this day and age ( on a spiritual level and well as physical and emotional)and so she will be using the Cottage to host workshops.
This week coming is one of the calmest left this year and I want to enjoy it.
From mid September my life turns into chaos with some seasonal work looming which sees me commited to a "real job" until mid January. I am dreading it..Too much effort for not enough gain - but it must be done ( unless I win lotto).
Also there is a bit of a health crisis within the family and it is a real worry.
Everything pales into insignificance when someone you love is not well.
I wish I had a magic wand - well I do....I might just go and wave it about and see what happens...
See you later...
Thinking about you and your family member.
Kathleen xOx
all will be well chicken legs
I send you love and kisses through the net to you and your loved ones xxx
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