Inspirational thought of the week!
Oh so true.
I have been at my spot at the mall for 35 days now and have been abused for stealing the seating at least once, but mostly twice a day.
Today was no different..only the techniques have changed, cause the same people are coming back to abuse me.
Firstly, it was the blatant, "where have you put our seats!"
Now they have come back and see that I am still there, so they pretend they are going to buy a calendar and come up to me and ask " how long are you going to be here?" followed by " you know our seats used to be here".
But the best is when they come up with their trolleys and stop right in front of my desk..sigh heavily, grab at their backs in fake pain,gasping.."Oh God, I do't think that I can make it any further..if my seats were STILL HERE, I would be able to sit down!!!!" loudly enough for me to hear them.
Subtle eh..freaking old farts...
I hope Santa takes all their dentures on Christmas Eve and flushes them down the toilet!That will fix em...
The Jeweller right next to us got robbed today...some guy just walked in and lent straight over the counter with a shop full of staff and people and proceeded to take two items worth about $10,000 off a back wall display!
He was out of there before anyone could do a thing about it...lovely.
Must have been doing his Christmas shopping..
god renata, i hope the tealeaf was husband and that he was shopping for me.......yes, senile old farts....yes.......but then again you are a seat stealing, expensive calander hawking old witch yourself........
ahhhh, so spiritual maryBOSS, you are inspiring indeed.
And I am a nasty mary apparently.........I am too appreciative of this good laugh business I fear....I will bring stick with nails in for dealing with old trolley pushers.....
I'm guessing that it wasn't my husband doing his stolen pagan festival shopping, either...I'm pretty sure that the sale value of these items will not buy enough drugs, either...
Oh Gods, do I stop laughing about these territorial folk... It's easy for them to be confused in regard to ownership; they don't pay rates at home either... biting satire is good... keep on laughing beats breaking down, totally hysterical and crying hands down.. ;)
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