It has already been one month since I started Calendar Club. My, how time flies when you are enjoying yourself..
I can handle it much better when I am busy but when it is slow I lose my will to live.It is so boring, I have nothing to do and know that I could be using this time to be vacuming at home, cleaning, ironing,shopping, cooking, hang on....maybe I should just enjoy the boredom?
"The man" has nine days and had to go and buy some slippers and a dressing gown for hospital saying that it would be inappropriate to get around in an old t shirt and tracky daks in el posho expensivo hospitalo!
So he went and brought slippers with Bart Simpson on them....Classy, very classy.
We are having some 'final meals' with friends this week cause after that the man wants to be 'left alone' for a while to recuperate in peace. Understandable.I wish I could do more for him, but will be stuck at Charlestown Square being bored.
we all need to go in to a cave once ina while - arek has a very good reason to do so.......all will be well, love the slippers...........
me x
Bart, eh...It could have been worse; it might have been Homer.
It's quite understandable that Arek wants to re-coup in private; He's going to need to focus his energies on re-buiding his health; here's hoping that people respect his wishes.
I get the feeling that it's all going to be ok.xoxox :)
I just KNOW it will....Arek is stronger than he knows and so are you. Nothing wrong with Bart slippers, very classy indeed. The FACT of slippers is the point, one just has to have them next to bed so as not to appear impoverished, one doesnt have to wear them!!!!
Everyone loves Bart. No matter what hospitalo they are in, the slippers will be a hit.
Um, do you sell records?
what a smart assed niece I have there?
im looking for an old Leif garrett LP......................
Then you should look for it when you next are in the employ of Mary Boss..wise ass..You couldn't burn it..there is a fire ban on, you know..what else would it be good for!!!
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