Sunday, December 10, 2006

Horror Movie stuff!

This morning I arrived at the Square at about 8.45 ( yes... over an hour before official opening time ) to find the Square had been taken over by zombie like aliens walking around the corridors with their empty shopping trolleys, stopping from time to time at different shop windows shouting 'Open the f**k up, it's two weeks to Christmas and I want to spend money!"
"And I want to spend it NOW!!!"
Hundreds of them, aimlessly hitting each other and bouncing off the walls with their trolleys and credit cards at the ready looking for anything they could buy.
It was like being trapped inside a horror movie.
"The Christmas of the Living Dead".
This little scenario has turned me right off Christmas.
I'm sorry.
I am now officially over it.
It has turned people crazy,silly,stupid and RUDE!
Why were these people there at that time of the morning?
Why weren't they at home having their first cup of coffee and giving their children a cuddle.
Instead, these semi humans had chosen to frighten the livin beJesus out of me!!!
I needed that. Not!


Michelle said...

....and then they did multiply and the zombies were roaming the earth, shopping trolleys fully loaded, for ever and ever and it was scary stuff. Bring on the rosey quartz for sure.....

Unknown said...

sounds awful, horroible and not nice to be sure- shit......renata , why the hell do you do this ??????????????????

Kathie said...

Shopping Centre Hell!

~*Rylah*~ said...

I wrote a song for you poor maryboss... it's on my blog...

~*Rylah*~ said...

I wrote a song for you poor maryboss... it's on my blog...

Jonathon Cant said...

ahahahhaa...i am sorry for laughing but if you've ever been caught in the early work rush every morning in sydney thats exactly what its like.

First thing thats made me laugh in a long time.


Cyndy said...

Glendale was much better to be sure..
That's a very black sense of humour you've got there, Jonathon.. ;)

Bee said...

next time i will drag you out of there

Michelle said...

Take me too!

Unknown said...

could be worse........but i cant think how .......