Saturday, December 16, 2006

Staff notice - please take note!

Dear Staffs -
This is important staff information and I believe that it may be of some use to you. I strongly recommend that you study it intensly.


Cyndy said...

Is there worker's compo if the computer screen is broken????

Kathie said...


Michelle said...

I have big bruise on forehead now....what does it all mean??????

wykd wytch said...

It means that you are fully excellent staff!Mary of the many expensive lay bys!

Michelle said...

Nearly no expensive laybys now....only expensive holidays.....aaaarrrrgggghhhhh.
I AM fully excellent and today was strangely okay? Musta bin the rosy quartz...its 9:43 and I am still awake!!

Tesah said...

lol this one is going to my mum!