Sunday, September 20, 2009

Here we go...

I take in the first of my art works today for an art show at Maitland later this week.
I have a few exhibitions and stuff happening over the next few weeks and am hoping that some of my art will sell or maybe, possibly be good enough for an award????
I know how these things work though and I may just have a very small window of opportunity circles can be tight and have their own set of rules which make it difficult.
But, we live in hope..
I am working on one at the moment of baby girl..should be done by the end of the week.
Other than that I have a full week with things I need to do and catch up on.
The house looks like a snow field with husky hair literally everywhere
and my YAADERS are going to get chocolate spiders tonight as my contribution to our Ostara projects...yumm

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