Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What time is it?

Slept in...heavy head.
Get baby girl up and get her to school.
Must have coffee.

Went to Charlestown Square yesterday to meet a friend and the place is a mess. Many of the shops are closing down and getting out before some of the internal work starts happening and there is an air of apprehension all around. I was told that even Harris Farm Fruito is going. It will be interesting to see how things progess there.
On the other hand, I just love the little shopping strips at Lambton and New Lambton. Some of the shops are so cool.The bakerys are to die for. You must try Jordon's for their array of cakes and sour dour breads.


Jen said...

ahhhh, I grew up in Lambton and Elder street is still one of my favourite places to be. You should try a salad roll from the bakery there - YUMMO.


Jen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said...

oops - hit publish twice... I hate it how blogger does that

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clarifying Jen...for a moment I thought I had a nasty doo - doo comment from someone who has a beef with cake!!!!!!!!Lucky

Jen said...

"a beef with cake"...... ??? hilarious

None said...

I haven't been in Charlestown Square since they started doing whatever the heck it is that they're doing with it!! It's really interesting that you say that the shops are uh.. shutting up shop and moving! Where are they moving to, I wonder?! I wonder if Charlestown Square is going to be like Garden City once they're done?

How do you feel about it with your "special" attachment to the Square?

Anonymous said...

Believe me when I say there is no special attachement with that place apart from where I can make some money. Will I be back this year?
Please dear God no, but then I will have to wait and see..if I have to, I have to.Lucky

Michelle said...
