Monday, February 19, 2007

Good News!

Just before the man went into hospital to have his operation last week we went across the road to the clinic to give a blood sample for his PSA test ( Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test: a blood test which can measure levels of a protein called prostate specific antigen.)
This little test tells us if he has any signs of abnormal, potentially cancerous, cells in his blood stream or not.
This is not fun to wait for.
This shit is serious stuff.
But, today the results came back with levels that were undetectable - WHICH IS VERY GOOD DAMN NEWS!!!!
I could wipe the sweat off my brow once again.
Also received a request to scoot down to the bottle shop ( why do they call it a bottle shop?) to buy a celebratory bottle of Chivas Regal for the man.
Which I dutifully did.
He deserves it!
Tomorrow the catheter comes out and he may regain the ability to sit still for more than 5 minutes at a time without being in pain.
Life goes on- although there are times, such as these now, where all you can do is drift through.


Anonymous said...

wow that is very good news...

Cyndy said...

Chivas Regal news, definitely!!!

Cyndy said...

ignore the first word of my comment, Romy...stupid computer!!

Michelle said...

ahhhh, but drifting through with VERY GOOD NEWS makes it a bit more bearable for sure...most excellent for you and that man indeed.

Michelle said...

darrenk for sure

Kathie said...

That's fabulous news Romy : )

Unknown said...

darrenk for certain ! wow, great news when they chivas is requested- probably wouldnt hurt for him to down the whole bottle in prearation for cathatar removal tomorrow..........groan, squeeze, hide..........