Sunday, February 04, 2007

Hello from the creator!

I am the creator of my Universe!
Yes I am!
I am creating a Mediumship Circle tonight at the Cottage and I am well pleased!
To all those other "Creators" out there...
What are YOU creating today?
I challenge you all to create ONE thing..
just one..
something new..
What's it going to be?
..........................I'm waiting!

P.S.That's me in my Capt Creator outfit!
You like?


Bee said...

i have created a sore neck

wykd wytch said...

Go back and create again, Bee!!!!
And not a sore arse either!

Amorah said...

I have manifested fabulous coach for new business plan!

Where will I find details of mediumship circle???? I will create being there in future!!!!

Amorah said...

Oh, and I Lerve Capt Creator outfit!!!! Mine is made from burnt orange spandex and is a little roomier in the butt... ROFLMAO Hugs, Karen

wykd wytch said...

First Monday of the month - except for next month, when it will be on 12th March - at 7pm at Rose Cottage.Be there!

wykd wytch said...

I have been called a tight arse many therefore mine is nice and snug!!!!

Michelle said...

I have created 2 swollen ankles and a headache and several bits of metal with the rust ground off....
I would like to create a snug arse and a red suit with not too short pants please....

Michelle said...

...and breasts that stay up without intervention from large backbreaking bits of elastic with scratchy plastic bits on them....

Anonymous said...

I have created an ellyflat......
Very schmick outfit.... The red certainly stand-out in the crowd!

Glad you're feeling better, Romy, Creator of your Universe! I can feel the difference in you... You certainly are a force of nature...

Cyndy ;)

Tesah said...

I am trying to create a very nice bank account for myself! Very snazzy outfit!

Michelle said...

By the way, you have very muscly knees in that outfit marypoo

wykd wytch said...

That is to take the emphasis away from the varicous veins anchell!

Michelle said...

Ahhh, nice abs too...

Anonymous said...

I've created....time with MIL!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh and the outfit....

Kathie said...

I am creating a Big Brain ready for new knowledge!

Unknown said...

i am creating health and a tidy home and a nice mauve suit made out of natural fibres with elastic waisting and crystal buttons so that i can breathe and dont become too woofy.......yes, I am a creator and the universe is my Genie......

Jen said...

Love the outfit... bit worried about the codpiece though...

I am about creating PEACE.

I dont have a suit, but when i get one i will shout "SHAZZAM!!!"

Anonymous said...

Soooo....Jen....You have a Winnebago, then?


Michelle said...

Nuthin' wrong with of my faves...this has to be the mostest comments post ever!

wykd wytch said...

I am sure you all have something more to say.......

Unknown said...

yes, I love that you are making the sign of the horned god in your piccy....power and creativity abounds.....

~*Rylah*~ said...

I am creating a smoke-free life...
And finishing TAFE...
And losing weight...
And being the schmickest bridesmaid ever...
And supporting my pregnant friend...
And making contact with old school friends...
And dreaming about sharks and dolphins...
And trying to get through six weeks between hospital admissions...
And peace...
And happiness...
And ... And ...

Phew, I'm exhausted...

Nice abs, btw.
