Monday, June 02, 2008

It's a miracle!


Kathie said...

Very Clever!

Kristy-Lee said...

You are a funny one...

Michelle said...

How did you do that?? I need one for CSV!!!


Unknown said...

a living avatar!
blessed be
Mary Elf Morehead
I bow to you !

Anonymous said...

Oh big haired one...the man worked on this to surprise me....and indeed I was.
But just how well do I fit into the habit??????
I'ts bloody's like that's really me......I look like I came out of the "Sound of Music" funny as this was it just looks too comfortable a fit.w.w

Anonymous said...

You look like you were born in that habit, you are a perfect vision of Mary Elf. Hippywitch

Anonymous said...

This has got to be you in a previous life!

Anonymous said...

I look like a mother superior don't I?w.w.

Cyndy said...

It looks amazing, WW... but I reckon that there's a pair of doc martens underneath the habit to go with the ...ahem.... rosary.......

just a feeling that I get....

Unknown said...

actually, its scary.........

Anonymous said...

oh my good do you look in a habbit!!!!

I agree with Cyndy Doc's underneath for sure

Jen said...

ah, but... just who (or what) is hiding under those voluminous skirts??? You look very happy there Mother Avabag!!!