Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sunday morning coming down...

How glad I am to be in my warm and snuggly home today - it is totally miserable and cold ouside. Winter has finally hit.
Even the dog is already on the couch, curled up and staring at me with his big brown thankful eyes.
Life is good.
I have had cake for breakfast ( as it should be )and any problems that my life contains are fixable.

I encountered "trolley rage" at Glendale Supercentre yesterday.
Woolies has got these HUGE green trollies that must be built for giants and you need all your muscles to manoever these monsters around the isles. They are SO f*****g big that women get really aggressive and now feel that they can assert their rights to space and product by just pushing harder, cutting in, side swiping....


I leave the supermarket dazed, bruised with torn muscles and needing a bex and a good lie down - especially after being scalped of a ridiculous amount of money at the checkout for a few paltry items.

Hang on to your hats .....another week begins!
As long as you dont need to eat or go will be fine - I promise you!


Anonymous said...

oh yes got to love those green much power in so little a thing....

i myself of course would never, never think of using one for such things...hmm well maybe when i'm in a hurry and you get those idiots that seem to think that it's ok to stop their trolly right in the middle of the aslie....hense making it impossible for anyone else to get through and then looking at you as if it's your fault...phew..glad i got that of my chest !!!!

Unknown said...

shopping trolleys are green bags with ego !

Bee said...

auldis have new trolleys to i need a step to reach the handles,and no its not funny,,

Kathie said...

They sound way to big for me!

Cyndy said...

*sigh*.... Life's just not the same without Hugh... *sigh*... Mind you, I think he's given me a rather unpleasant dose of Candida.....

Green shopping bags with ego... *snort*... ;0)