Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Skivvy wearers of the World Fess Up!

Ah! So now it is comming to light...
We ALL have a skivvy in our wardrobe - admit it!
Do not be ashamed.
Admitting to it is the first step in recovery.

I might even wear my black one on Sunday morning when I am freezing my nipples off at the Markets at 7am.

The man had a very fround experience yesterday - he cut down one of our bamboos in the "back passage". He has been growing bamboo in our backyard for about 10 years now and really loves them. It was a painful experience for him, but we are kind of moving on from the bamboo stage. I am not quite sure what the plan for the back yard will be. I know that our retaining wall is being eaten away by white ants and it's going to cost a fortune to fix.

If anyone wants a small bamboo to plant in their back passage...we have a few for sale.


Jen said...

i desperately want bamboo!! is it the clumping or running variety??

Michelle said...

Nipples? You have nipples??

oh my gosh!

how rude....x

Unknown said...

my back passage is quite adequetly filled thank you any way. might show up at the markets to see the black skivvy and yell, 'wake up renata!"

Unknown said...

can bamboo run ? where does it run to ? do you need to chase it or take it for walks ?

Anonymous said...

is it have bamboo in your back passage!!?

Kristy-Lee said...

You mean we could all have bamboo in our back passage too?


A white wiggle with a back passage full of bamboo.......goodness.

Cyndy said...

Grrrrrr...I'm out of the crowd AGAIN... I don't own a skivvy...Always the pineapple in a field of strawberries......hmmmm

I don't need any bamboo in my back passage, thank you very much ;0)

Anonymous said...

The bamboo is the clmping variety...the man wants me to clarify that the bamboo that we have is quite established so a few metres tall. We have black bamboo and bar code bamboo I think.Renata

Anonymous said...

We also have buddahs belly - it grows very well in this region. Many people said that it is too cold for bamboo but thats crap...ours is berserk...

Jen said...

am still keen... whatever - we have the bali thing happening here in our garden and i have been wanting some bamboo

Kathie said...

Nope, sorry, I do not fit in with the skivvy scene!

Tesah said...

Lol a new Rose Cottage initiative- Skivvy Wearers Anonymous!