Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Circus of lost souls presents.....

blah,blah,blah,blah,blah,blah etc..etc...etc...
I wont bore you all with how I am really feeling...needless to say that my head feels like it has been bitten off, chewed up by a foul mouthed bottom dwelling arse licking troll and then spat out into a pool of human excrement.


Wendy said...

As my most recent post on my blog will attest, I can take on car salesman so feel I am up to the challenge of a, how did you put it? "foul mouthed bottom dwelling arse licking troll". Just lemme at 'em!

Unknown said...

beautiful dear one- poetic !

Michelle said...

Could you please be a little more explicit!:)

I have one of those heads toooooo


Jewell said...

yes those heads seem to be going around...got one too