Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pic No?Which one is it now???

This is a potrait of my sister in law's companion, Stan. This guy is a gem and has just left to go back O.S. to, hopefully, finalise his bits and pieces and then return to Oz to spend the rest of his life with her.Stan worked very hard on our front yard before he left and he has a wicked sense of "living in the moment".I really hope to see him again and relish him being part of our famly.

Meanwhile, we are moving ahead with securing respite for my mum and I will be going today to sign some papers to get this happening. Can I mention that this was only achieveable because I "know the right people"....otherwise, I did not have a hope in hell. Mum was better when I visited her last night, but she was asking me "who were all those strange people wandering around the hospital - that they kept wanting things from me"...these are the nurses...
Five mintes later she asked me again, and five minutes later she asked me again...
How she will cope with the news that she is being "put into respite" is something we will tackle today. I see a huge dummy spit coming and really, who would blame her..how does one react when they realise that their life is no longer as they have known it to be? Also she has always thought that aged care = death.


Michelle said...

I'm sorry Renata. it is hard I know.

Sending my love, as always



Unknown said...

you have my love and support
as a sister and a friend.
if you are sure this is right, then do it xx

Kerry said...

Sending love and support.

As someone who has worked in aged care for 17 years, and worked primarily with dementia.

If there is anything that i can ever do to help or support you with your mum, please just ask.

Lisa is right, if your sure it is the right thing, do it.


Cyndy said...

Respite = Holiday. Use that to your advantage.

And, unfortunately, you are right: the process can be long-winded & arduous if you don't know the right people. Sad, isn't it?.

How long is the respite care for?

It sounds like your mum's insight is quite diminshed, but it can sometimes be surprising how some lovely oldies can adjust to the company & routines of their "holiday" venue.

Love & peace to you all xooxxo