Saturday, May 03, 2008

What does one do with the dilemma of trying on the only pair of swimmers that one owns and discovering, to their absolute shock and horror, that this item of clothing no longer has a hope in hell of fitting over ONE'S FAT ARSE!!!!!!!!!

I swear the last time I put them on , they slid on effortlessly.
But, that was 18 months ago.

In 18 months I have turned into...

At least it solves the problem of what to pack - I only have a few things left that fit.

I will definately have to get a grip on this - but not till after I return from Oompah Loompah - am not giving up those stir frys and way.


Hippy Witch said...

I agree, worry about it when you get back.

Hippy Witch said...

Please blog 1 more time before you go, I could not stand looking at that arse for 12 days.

Jen said...

Please blog something... i cant stand that bum looking at me for much longer.

and make it a long one so the bum leaves the screen.... please...


Anonymous said...

no leave the bum's made me get up and walk the dog

Michelle said...

Its a great bum....i see what mine will grow up to be....fark!